School council is a very active pupil voice group at Rogiet Primary School. There are ten members of the committee with two representatives from each class from year 2 to year 6. In the summer term, we will invite two new members from year 1 so they know more about being on school council ready for when they enter year two and they can explain what is involved to their classmates.
So far this year, school council has raised money for good causes such as the Royal British Legion's poppy appeal and Children in Need. The committee members decided how best to fundraise for Children in Need and this was presented during an assembly to the rest of the school. All children at school could choose to wear whatever they liked for the day and were encouraged to make a donation. They were asked to collect and bring in low value coins so that a supersized Pudsey bear could be filled with coins! We needed to draw a Pudsey head on the day because people had been so generous with their donations!
At the moment, the committee is deciding on what new outdoor equipment to purchase. After seeking feedback from the whole school, the consensus was that more equipment for break and lunctimes was needed. Two members are currently tasked with deciding and the results will be talked about in a forthcoming assembly.
The school council is becoming more involved with the community in Rogiet. They attended a community remembrance service in November and read a poem and prayers. The children will shortly be attending the local community cafe where they will take on a range of roles for the morning and they are very excited.
As a school we will be supporting Comic Relief and the school council is currently discussing ideas for fundraising. The ideas will be presented in assembly with plenty of notice given to families.
School council is a very active pupil voice group at Rogiet Primary School. There are ten members of the committee with two representatives from each class from year 2 to year 6. In the summer term, we will invite two new members from year 1 so they know more about being on school council ready for when they enter year two and they can explain what is involved to their classmates.
So far this year, school council has raised money for good causes such as the Royal British Legion's poppy appeal and Children in Need. The committee members decided how best to fundraise for Children in Need and this was presented during an assembly to the rest of the school. All children at school could choose to wear whatever they liked for the day and were encouraged to make a donation. They were asked to collect and bring in low value coins so that a supersized Pudsey bear could be filled with coins! We needed to draw a Pudsey head on the day because people had been so generous with their donations!
At the moment, the committee is deciding on what new outdoor equipment to purchase. After seeking feedback from the whole school, the consensus was that more equipment for break and lunctimes was needed. Two members are currently tasked with deciding and the results will be talked about in a forthcoming assembly.
The school council is becoming more involved with the community in Rogiet. They attended a community remembrance service in November and read a poem and prayers. The children will shortly be attending the local community cafe where they will take on a range of roles for the morning and they are very excited.
As a school we will be supporting Comic Relief and the school council is currently discussing ideas for fundraising. The ideas will be presented in assembly with plenty of notice given to families.