The school is open for 190 days (380 sessions) per year for pupils; teachers attend on five other occasions for In-Service Training.
(Reception, Years 1-3)
9.00am - 12.00pm
1.00pm - 3.00pm
(Years 4, 5 and 6)
9.00am - 12.40pm
1.30pm - 3.00pm
Phase assemblies take place on a Monday and Tuesday which include our 'Picture Book' and singing assemblies. Our whole school Celebration Assembly is held every Thursday afternoon. Classroom assemblies take place every Wednesday.
There is a mid-morning break when the children are supervised on the playground by teaching and support staff. Children are encouraged to bring 20p per day to purchase a healthy snack from the snack trolley; payment can be made weekly with children bringing in £1 at the beginning of the week. A record is kept of all payments made over the course of the week to avoid confusion. Children in Progression Steps 1 and 2 are offered fresh milk which is a Welsh Government funded initiative.
At lunchtime, pupils are supported my midday supervisors and support staff.
The school gates are open from 08.50 and pupils are able to walk to classrooms with the adult(s) bringing them to school. Pupils are welcomed by staff at the classroom door and will be able to access classrooms from this time.
Gates are open from 15.00 for you to collect your children and parents/carers who are collecting their children should wait on the playground outside the classroom. Only children travelling by bus or taxi leave by the front entrance; they are escorted by staff to their transport. The LA provides transport for pupils living in Caerwent and surrounding areas. All enquiries about this should be directed to the Student and School Access Unit, Innovation House, Magor (Telephone 01633 – 644644) and not to school.
If a child has to leave during school hours, please ensure the class teacher is informed. No child will be allowed to leave unaccompanied. The School Office must also be informed.
The register closes at 9.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Children arriving through lateness after these times will not receive their mark. (This is Local Authority policy).
Please notify the school by telephone or in writing on the first day of your child’s absence. Some absences are considered authorised and it is always in your child’s interests for the school to be informed as to why they are absent. Unauthorised absences will be pursued. Attendances are regularly checked by the Education Welfare Officer (EWO), who can take further action if deemed appropriate.
The school is open for 190 days (380 sessions) per year for pupils; teachers attend on five other occasions for In-Service Training.
(Reception, Years 1-3)
9.00am - 12.00pm
1.00pm - 3.00pm
(Years 4, 5 and 6)
9.00am - 12.40pm
1.30pm - 3.00pm
Phase assemblies take place on a Monday and Tuesday which include our 'Picture Book' and singing assemblies. Our whole school Celebration Assembly is held every Thursday afternoon. Classroom assemblies take place every Wednesday.
There is a mid-morning break when the children are supervised on the playground by teaching and support staff. Children are encouraged to bring 20p per day to purchase a healthy snack from the snack trolley; payment can be made weekly with children bringing in £1 at the beginning of the week. A record is kept of all payments made over the course of the week to avoid confusion. Children in Progression Steps 1 and 2 are offered fresh milk which is a Welsh Government funded initiative.
At lunchtime, pupils are supported my midday supervisors and support staff.
The school gates are open from 08.50 and pupils are able to walk to classrooms with the adult(s) bringing them to school. Pupils are welcomed by staff at the classroom door and will be able to access classrooms from this time.
Gates are open from 15.00 for you to collect your children and parents/carers who are collecting their children should wait on the playground outside the classroom. Only children travelling by bus or taxi leave by the front entrance; they are escorted by staff to their transport. The LA provides transport for pupils living in Caerwent and surrounding areas. All enquiries about this should be directed to the Student and School Access Unit, Innovation House, Magor (Telephone 01633 – 644644) and not to school.
If a child has to leave during school hours, please ensure the class teacher is informed. No child will be allowed to leave unaccompanied. The School Office must also be informed.
The register closes at 9.30 a.m. and 1.30 p.m. Children arriving through lateness after these times will not receive their mark. (This is Local Authority policy).
Please notify the school by telephone or in writing on the first day of your child’s absence. Some absences are considered authorised and it is always in your child’s interests for the school to be informed as to why they are absent. Unauthorised absences will be pursued. Attendances are regularly checked by the Education Welfare Officer (EWO), who can take further action if deemed appropriate.